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Jianruiying logo

Silin dacungga kūwaran

An elite light unit under the Qing dynasty Eight Banners.
Jianruiying logo

Jiànruìyíng (健銳營)

An elite unit under the Qing dynasty Eight Banners, comparable to today's special forces.
Manchu niru arrow logo


Manchu word for a class of broadhead arrows, a military "company", or captain.
Tiger spear logo


An elite unit of Qing imperial guardsmen that accompanied the emperor into dangerous hunting grounds.
Tiger spear logo

Tiger spear (Qing)

The "tiger spear" was a large hunting spear in use by the Qing dynasty Tiger spear division.

Tiger spear logo


A large hunting spear in use by the Qing dynasty Tiger spear division.
Baktong logo


Cantonese for báitóng.
Baiton saber guard logo

Báitóng (白銅)

An alloy of copper, nickel, and zinc used among others for sword parts.
Taotie logo

Tāotiè (饕餮)

Tāotiè (饕餮) is a mythical creature that is used as a decorative element.
Yanlingdao logo

Yànlíngdāo (雁翎刀)

A Chinese saber type that translates as "goose-feather saber".
Yanchidao logo

Yànchìdāo (雁翅刀)

Chinese saber type with a gently curved blade and clipped tip.
Liuyedao logo

Liǔyèdāo (柳葉刀)

A Chinese saber with a gentle curve.
Yanmaodao logo

Yànmáodāo (雁毛刀)

A Chinese saber type with a mainly straight blade that curves up at the tip. It literally means "goose-quill-saber".
Dandao logo

Dāndāo (單刀)

Literally "single saber", it refers to any type of dāo used solely without shield or weapon in the other hand.
Beri logo


Manchu word for "bow".
Huawengang logo

Huāwéngāng (花文鋼)

A type of pattern welding known in English as twist-core.
Niuweidao logo

Niúwěidāo (牛尾刀)

A late form of Chinese saber with a pronounced widening at the tip.