Language: Mandarin Chinese
Source: Classical literature


Dāo hūshǒu (刀護手) means "saber handguard".

During the Qing, these were usually disc guards, also referred to as hùshǒu pán (護手盤).2

For a complete overview, see: A Chinese saber glossary.

Utilitarian sword guard
A utilitarian disc guard on a 19th century Qing soldier's saber.

Saber guard
A carved brass saber guard on a 19th century Qing officer's saber.

17th century saber guard

Iron guard with lavish golden damascening on a 17th century Chinese saber.

Openwork saber guard
Gilt copper alloy openwork guard on an 18th century Qing imperial saber.


1. Wuti Qingwen Jian (五體清文鑑)or "Five languages compendium". A Qing imperial dictionary in Manchu, Mongolian, Uighur, Tibetan and Chinese of 1766. Published under the Qianlong emperor.
2. Qinding Gongbu Junqi Zeli (欽定工部軍器則例) or "Imperial regulations and precedents on weapons and military equipment by the Ministry of Public Works", 1813. Chapter 36.

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Carved out of copper alloy with details highlighted in gold.


Of pierced iron, elaborately cut with lotus petal border.


Unusual tsuba with foreign figures and Chinese auspicious symbols.


Pierced and chiseled showing an 18th century European vessel.


One of his classic designs, signed by the maker.


Very finely carved with designs reminiscent of export wares.
